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STVNET - Intranet site

  • Joomla Version: Joomla 3

STVNET needed a detailed Intranet site that the employees could manage without having to constantly work with their IT department.  Joomla! was a great solution for them.

This site was a collaborative effort, I was proud to work along side with some great innovators and programmers:

  • Reponsible for Project Management, Customer Relations and Site Design
  • Responsible for the more 'technical and admin' areas of this complex website which resides on an IIS server. responsiblities were:

  • Built Site using complex directory software to list over 1,000 employees
  • Complex document management system
  • Build initial articles, etc for website as a base
  • Inhouse training multiple times to the 'tech staff' at STV NET and the non technnical staff on how to manage the website
  • Created specific training materials to be used for the training sessions on site

Because this is an Intranet site we can not provide a link to the specific site.