Global Love in Action Site
Laura Gordon did an absolutely wonderful job on the Global Love In Action website.
As an old construction professional I used to tell my prospective clients to choose the contractor that they felt could give them the best combination of time, cost and quality. That adage ended up proving true in the design of our website.
I had, frankly, used two other “experts” and wasted months of time and lots of money before I gave up and did some serious research on who could build the site that I knew we needed. Laura promptly and completely responded to every question asked of her. I knew what we needed and she understood the need and gave me a timeframe, a price and assured me the quality would be more than acceptable.
She performed, in spades.
There is simply nothing that she said she would do that she didn’t do – I very seldom give someone a 10 on a scale of 1-10 – she gets a 10.
Thanks, Laura!